Tuesday, July 3, 2012

244 - More Manga Style

1 comment:

  1. Good start. My observation, and this is to get a better manga style (and this is going for the style you've drawn, sort of semi realistic rather than realistic or something more Chibi):

    1) eyes are wrong. Manga is all about the eyes. Your eyes have a very western shape. Manga eyes tend to be more almond-ish. They also tend to be the focal point of the face.
    2)Mouth - a Manga mouth tends to be simpler. More just lines. In the event it is open, it can kind of look like you've drawn, but it's often simpler. You won't often see the teeth.
    3) Face shape - Manga faces tend to be thinner than you've drawn, also lean towards a pointy chin. The female features are closer to the bottom of the face than you've drawn. Manga women tend to have high foreheads.
    4) Nose - just a single line would have worked as well.

    I'll throw together an example using the above as reference and link it here.


    Bear in mind, I'm a disciple myself and that was a 2 minute sketch with minimal inking and shading!

    Love that you're trying and can't wait to see the future experiments! :-)
