Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 83 - Rango

So, here we are at day 83. I have been a working some today. I was up early and did some work on my comic book submission. Then it was onto the HTML and stuff. Also snuck in an outing to take the cans and bottles to the store with the kids. Anyway, here is the sketch of the day and by to the HTML hijinks.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 82 out of 365

Okay, got my coffee, got my breakfast.
Now, let us post :-)
Today's Sketch of the day brought to you by Pooh Bear

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 81 - Things to do

We yesterday was full of HTML and there is more to do today.
So here is the sketch of the day :-)



Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 80 - Captain Jack Harkness

So we are back from our little Holiday and we had a great time.

We have been watching, and enjoying, the new season of Torchwood.
Here is my sketch of Captain Jack Harkness.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 78 - Power out and power back

So we had no power from last night until 8:30am. About 12 hrs in total. Anyway we went out to see the new Harry Potter and the Red Lobster for my Wife's Birthday. We had a great meal.

Onto sketch of the day....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 77

Yikes, it's going to be a hot one out there today.
We'll be having BBQ-ed steak later. Yummy!
Oh and Trueblood is on later tonight :-)

So here is sketch of the day...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 76 - just

Well it's day 76, by 28 ish minutes, so here goes with the sketch of the day.

Have a good Saturday :-)

Day 75 is here

Today's sketch of the day is Squirrel Girl as suggested on Facebook.

Looks like a beautiful day out so I might sueeze in some Tai Chi.

Have a good Friday



Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 74

Hullo and welcome to day 74.
I was a listening to some Bollywood music whilst I was working the other day and I came up with another Katrina Kaif drawing. Anyway here it is and I hope that you all like it.



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 72 - Cheetara and Inspector Gadget Coloured

Welcome to Day 72 and here are my previous sketches that I inked and finished up with coloured pencil.

Cheers for looking


Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 71 - Sketch of the Day

Marcie from Peanut is my new coffee cup and subsequently Sketch of the Day.

Peppermint Patty: Boy, that kid really can dance. And he sure knows how to make a girl happy. He sure is a funny looking kid, though.
Marcie: He has a very strange nose, doesn't he, sir?

Have a good one!



Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 70 - Inspector Gadget

Welcome to day 70 and here is the sketch of the day.
I am off to sit on the deck and do some more sketching..

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 69 - Thundercats!

Welcome to Saturday and it's time for Thundercats but watch out for Slythe.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 68 - Up

We watched this movie whilst on Holiday and I thought that I would do a sketch of it.
I really liked the Dog and the cone of shame thing. "Ooo! A Squirrel!"
Have a good one

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 67 - Lutu Warrior of the North 2.0

Okay, here is the first full colour version of Lutu 2.0.
I am in the process of preparing a updated version of my comic for a comic book submission and I thought that it was time for Lutu to have a new-ish look.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 66 - Original Star Trek

"So... I.... thought that.... I......would OriginalStarTrek...pinup" You GO Shatner! :-)

So anyway here it is



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blargell!! Mahfargell!!

Blargell!! Mahfargell!!
Holy Doodle!
My Conan Pinup is in the Conan Road of Kings #6 comic book this month.
I just stumbled across it right now :-O

Day 65 Extra - Sarah from Barwench Tales

Day 65 extra!
Oh and here is my extra piece of the day. Sarah from Barwench Tales.
Cheers and have a good one

Day 65 - Spookytown

Here is my finished Spookytown pinup.



Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 63 - Flat Coloured Spook Town

Here is a piece that I working of Emma from Cal Slayton's Spooky Town comic.